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Join me on January 29-31, 2023 in Walnut Creek for CABBI’S InnSpire Conference & Marketplace

Hotel & Inn Owners: There is no better way to start off 2023 then networking, sharing and learning from innkeepers and hospitality industry experts at CABBI's InnSpire Conference & Marketplace. With over a dozen educational topics planned and more to be announced, including our always-popular round table sessions, there's a session for everyone. This award-winning conference & marketplace is the spot to network with your industry peers, attend timely educational sessions and a trade show. Prepare for 2023 success by registering now! Hotel & Inn Buyers: Have you ever dreamed of owning your own inn or hotel? The Innkeeping as a Profession Workshop (Jan 28 & 29) can not only launch you into a new career, but attending this conference can help with your financing as a first-time buyer, and it only happens once a year! Your registration includes the Sunday night reception in the trade show, breakfast and lunch on both Monday and Tuesday, transportation to our Walnut Creek Dine Around Night on Monday (dinner is on your own) and an dessert night-cap. The Marriott Walnut Creek is offering guest rooms at $169 per night. Looking forward to hopefully seeing you at the conference, please stop by my table at the Marketplace to meet or reconnect!



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Lodging Brokers Network

One of California's most successful and respected brokerages for hotels, motels, resorts, lodges, boutique, and bed and breakfast inns

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